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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

male female

Goat  Man  with  Horse  Woman

  • Although this is a combination of two diametrically opposed and unusual personalities - a strongly "mas-culine" woman and a distinctively "feminine" man - the risks involved can be considered acceptable. A lot of mutual tolerance will be needed, but happiness will not be beyond their reach.

  • The Horse woman will ever feel attracted to the charm and seeming helplessness displayed by the Goat man, and he will eternally be drawn to her strength of character and resilience. It is this reciprocal magnetism that will help them hold together in the face of the tremendous difficulties engendered by their coexistence.

  • The Horse woman is outgoing and optimistic whereas the Goat man is extremely vulnerable to moodiness and pessimism. His comportment will cause her great annoyance and hurt every time he sulks and withdraws into his own secretive world, making it clear that he totally ignores her existence during such moments. Considerable tension may result from the violent contrast between her logical, direct approach to life and his involved way to proceed. All decisions concerning the couple will likely rest with her, for he cannot be relied on to deal effectively with problems due to his hopeless indecisiveness. His possessiveness will not fail to antagonize her as she does not stand for her personal freedom to be restricted in any way. While he will expect her to be a model homemaker, this outdoor and dynamic woman will resent having to attend to routine, down-to-earth matters; considering that life holds more than domestic chores, she will feel claustrophobic at his insistence.

  • At first the Horse will be flattered at her man's great popularity with the fair sex; but the excessive number of the passions he can arouse and his numerous instances of infidelity will cut sharply into her ego.

  • Sex is equally important to both of them, and so they will not have problems finding satisfaction in bed together. However, because of her basic lack of imagination, she will for some time show reluctance to go along with his love of fantasy. There is every likeli-hood her sexual behavior will become more refined before long under the aegis of such an expert lover as the Goat man.


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