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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

The paranormal past of Master RAO


     NGUYEN Ngoc-Rao

  • Former correspondent of the New York Times and the Washington Post
  • Astrologer, writer, author of about  forty books
  • Emeritus member of the Association for Research in Asiatic Divination and Medical Sciences (Canada)

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    Hi, dear Friends!

    My name is  Nguyen Ngoc-Rao. I've been practicing true Chinese astrology for nearly thirty years, helping thousands of people solve their most varied problems under the light of this five-thousand-year-old divination discipline.

    The following is an account of my past. Emphasis is not put on my political, professional or patriotic activities, but on my paranormal experiences and especially on my moves as a practitioner of Chinese astrology.

  • I was born to a peasant family, in an obscure village some two hundred kilometers Southeast of Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam.

  • As early as at the age of two I was initiated to different Chinese divinatory disciplines — I Ching, geomancy, fengshui, and particularly astrology. These disciplines had been practiced by my family for at least seven generations, and my paternal grandfather and father were my first teachers. They put great hopes on me as I showed utmost interest in the subjects and displayed outstanding paranormal talents.

  • At about the age of three I was already known to be able to make weather forecasts with fair accuracy: I could feel rains, storms or floods twenty-four hours in advance. My parents and neighbors always took my forecasts into account to plan their ricefield work. Years later my sensitiveness to weather was conclusively verified by repeated scientific tests.


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