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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

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Goat  Man  with  Rabbit (Cat)  Woman

  • The partners here being much more "feminine" than "masculine," their union will make a charming couple, a joy to behold. An air of sweetness and complicity will prevail throughout their common life. But this excessive "feminity" will also involve distinct drawbacks such as too much reliance on whims and a severe lack of coherence. Since emotional maturity is deficient in both parties, their relations will be subject to fluctuations and sometimes childish instability.

  • While both are able to make concessions and forgive, they will not be able to iron out all their differences. The Cat woman is not jealous by nature, but the Goat, this incorrigible flirt, could well be the man to arouse possessive feelings in her. He may not really philander, but his constant hovering around will be so provocative that it will be difficult for her to close her eyes to it - if only for reasons of face - and not fly off the handle from time to time. Their arguments, however, will not cause any serious damage, for the Cat woman is sensible enough not to let things go too far.

  • His lack of foresight and practical sense will, among other things, clash with her careful way with finance. She will certainly scold him about his extravagance and irresponsibility and he will call her a fussbudget. But here again the situation is not likely to get out of hand.

  • The most delicate area of their togetherness will concern their different sexual behavior. Lovemaking is the Goat man's way of life whereas the Cat will want, more unconsciously than consciously, to demonstrate her love for him in ways other than physical. At first, he will have to realize that she is not spontaneous or involved enough in sexual union with him, and that his attempts at a romantic approach can only inspire amusement in her. However this expert lover will not despair and will, after a more or less long period of time, succeed in bringing out all her hidden sensuality.


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