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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

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Rabbit (Cat)  Man  with  Dog  Woman

  • In Chinese astrology, the remark "to be like Cats and Dogs" does not have a derogatory meaning as in current life, but a distinctly complimentary one. The natives of these two signs are believed to have no difficulty attaining mutual understanding in love and marriage - just as in all their other partnerships. The expression, however, does not necessarily imply deep passion; in fact, the union between a Cat and a Dog primarily rests on affection and companionship.

  • The Cat man and the Dog woman share a marked inclination to brood themselves into frequent spells of depression. Too keen judges of human nature, they tend to be unduly critical of life and people in general. But it is their common pessimism which will be the first factor in binding them together - they will find some kind of smug consolation in joining their destinies.

  • Another factor of their harmony is their acute sense of duty. The more responsibilities and obligations they will assume, the stronger their cohesion will become.

  • Finances will seldom be a subject of contention here. The partners' social life will be limited in scope as both prefer domestic life or outdoor activities to parties and society dinners.

  • One area of possible disagreement concerns the expression of sentiments. The Dog woman is by nature deeply affectionate and demonstrative. But the Cat, detached and aloof as he is, will reject anyone's, even his lover's or wife's, fussing and attention. Fortunately the Dog woman is also a kindly forgiving individual, and as a result the safety line will almost never be crossed.

  • These two can have absolute confidence in each other as far as loyalty is concerned. Although their sex life will be devoid of lust and romanticism, they will be quite satisfied with it, for their main interests lie elsewhere.


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