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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

male female

Pig  Man  with  Dog  Woman

  • It is not uncommon to find a Pig man and a Dog woman sharing their lives together although these two are recognizable right away as markedly different. She could be attracted to him by his sensitivity and intuition while he has great admiration for her high ideals and energy. Whatever the outcome, this relationship always has good will on both sides to begin with.

  • Although the Dog woman is not inclined to be demonstrative and behave in a truly "feminine" way, the Pig man is perceptive enough to realize her true nature and clever enough to tap the inexhaustible source of affection in her. And she will adore these qualities in him which make her feel worthy and desirable.

  • No matter how hectic their life together may be, these two will never allow a birthday or some memorable anniversary to go unnoticed. Both are expert in the art of giving presents and will be happy to please each other. This will certainly provide a basis on which to build a durable relationship.

  • Financial problems, if any, are likely to be of negligible importance as the parties involved are careful with money and the Pig man quite unexpectedly hits upon the jackpot every now and then.

  • One of the threats to this couple's harmony could be their periodic lack of communication. The Dog woman will certainly find a host of pretexts to criticize her mate on moral grounds, and the Pig is expected to react to her seemingly unjustified hostility by sulking for days or even weeks on end as is his wont every time he feels hurt. Since both are liable to depressions and black moods, the bridge between them may be cut off all the more oftener and for longer periods.

  • Another trouble spot could be this man's too strong attachment to his own family, a comportment the Dog woman will find unacceptable as she is of a jealous nature. In addition, his debonair attitude toward their children will sharply clash with her severe and domineering stance.

  • Adjustments will be necessary in their sexual life. She will have to cultivate her basic instincts to keep him happy in bed, while he will have to make use of much patience to arouse the embryonic romantic feelings in her to their ultimate expression. In general they can solve the problems of their physical intimacy fairly well.

  • The advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages in this union.


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