Rooster Man with Ox (Buffalo) Woman
Any astrologer would say to a Rooster man and a Buffalo woman who are about to enter into a relationship: "It's okay. You can go ahead." Indeed, their personalities have so much common ground that it would be surprising should they have difficulty in getting along with each other quite well.
The Buffalo wants to command in the home? The Rooster man not only could not care less about it but also could not wish for anything that suits him better. These two are clumsy and uncomfortable in society, and so they will stay indoors most of the time and enjoy domestic life. They also are fond of the simple joys of the country, both having deep roots in the soil. It pleases them equally to count and save and have a large family. Boredom will rarely visit them as they will keep themselves busy constructing and improving their nest. Their complicity being almost total, the risk of strife is quite remote indeed.
Their sex life will be rather colorless, reflecting their common conventionality to the point of puritanism. In compensation for their lack of imagination and the sense of adventure, they have a good, uninhibited appetite. Furthermore, they can trust each other entirely, finding mutual suspicion and cross-questioning superfluous, and seeing no possibility of a third person coming to disrupt their quiet happiness.
A union to be recommended without reserve.