The twelve Animal Signs
for Women
Monkey woman
Her productive capacities
The Monkey woman's claims to equality with men are corroborated not only by her intellectual abilities but also by her capacities in the realm of work. She can do all the jobs suitable for the male of this sign well as he does, sometimes even better owing to her stronger motivation. In fact, there are few fields in which she would not be successful. But the first and foremost condition of her success remains always the same - her interest - material gains and social status having practically no special appeal to her.
The native usually gives the best of herself in such activities as enable her to defend a cause she feels just, preferably a revolutionary one. An ardent feminist who always seeks the front line, she militates efficaciously for the recognition of women's dignity and rights. This is also a dedicated trade unionist much appreciated by her comrades. One can find her in any organization concerned with the defense of the oppressed and the underprivileged. Her courage forces the admiration her friends and adversaries alike.
Curious of human beings, she can excel in professions that afford her numerous contacts with other people - as a public relations officer or a travel agent, for instance - or that give her an opportunity to scrutinize human nature - as a psychologist or social worker. As a rule she considers herself lucky through all occupations having to do with human factors.
Often shrewd and sly in money matters, she feels much at ease in banking and all forms of financial manipulation. She may also be fortunate in the many fields of entertainment owing to her deep knowledge of human behavior and her superb sense of humor.
Two general remarks should be made here about this subject's work behavior. First, a number of jobs are definitely unsuitable for her: They are those which would curb her personal freedom and thwart her initiative. She means to organize her work completely as she pleases, according to her own ideas - or whims. Only under this specific condition can she show all her worth.
Second, if she works to earn her living, it is only a concession she makes to reality. Actually, she would like to be able to separate work with all idea of material profit, thus having the choice to work for pleasure or not to work at all. It should not be forgotten that her most cherished ambition is to preserve her time to live, to enjoy the unexpected to the full, and to be free from all forms of slavery. No wonder why many Monkey females come to swell the ranks of dropouts, hippies, tramps, and enthusiasts of community living.