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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Western Horoscope for the Year 2025

Western Horoscope

for the Year 2025

The influence of your ascendant

  • Ascendant in Aries - Action! This will be the remedy for all your problems. And if unforeseen obstacles stand in your way, you won't give up. Stimulated, you'll renew your efforts in order to get what you want. In work, this positive attitude will allow you to climb up the hierarchy. Heartwise, you'll realize your most secret dreams and consolidate your position.

  • Ascendant in Taurus - After a rather rough year, you'll recover your taste for moderation... and your good common sense. As a result, stability will be present again. In your professional life, you can even begin a superb advancement thanks to bold but well targeted initiatives. In love, the climate will be one of confidence.

  • Ascendant in Gemini - Brilliant year in prospect! Finally liberated from the negative influence of Saturn (frustrations, blocks), you'll recover all your dynamism. Until May, however, avoid rash initiatives, especially in the professional domain. In your love life, it's also during this year that you'll find stability.

  • Ascendant in Cancer - For you, this year will be placed under the joint influence of Jupiter (success, well-being) and Saturn (seriousness, sense of effort). A positive alliance that will allow you to give solid bases to your career as well as your private life. In work, you'll gain responsibilities. In love, you'll strengthen the ties that unite you with your mate.

  • Ascendant in Leo - Consolidation! This will be the key word of your year. On the professional plane, you'll succeed in managing the successes made last year and even in rounding a new cape. In your couple life, you'll play the stability card. If your heart is free, an encounter should take place by the middle of the year and lead to a durable relation.

  • Ascendant in Virgo - Good news! It's in your natal sign that Jupiter will position himself most of this year. More confident in yourself than last year, you'll aim at high professional objectives, and your daring will be paying. In love, after the unstable climate that has lately reigned in your life, you'll savor serene happiness.

  • Ascendant in Libra - Even though by moments your morale is shaky because of Saturn (frustrations), you'll never be depressed for a long time. Heartwise, you'll find solutions to your couple problems together with your mate. In work, you'll progress perhaps slowly, but surely.

  • Ascendant in Scorpio - Much more inclined to indulgence and tolerance than in the last year, you'll improve your relationships with your close circle. Thus harmony and well-being will again be present in your family and conjugal life. In work, thanks to a better collaboration with your professional entourage, you'll be more efficient and outstanding.

  • Ascendant in Sagittarius - Be careful until the end of March! The most audacious and impulsive aspects of your personality will be accentuated, and you'll be tempted to take too many risks, especially in your professional life. From April onwards, on the contrary, you'll become more reasonable again. Heartwise, try to recognize the qualities of your mate.

  • Ascendant in Capricorn - Determined and brimming with enterprising spirit, you'll be well decided to assert yourself in all domains! On the professional plane, nothing will stop you until the end of April. But from May onwards, some obstacles will be present and then you'll have to practice patience. In love, you'll succeed in creating harmonious and warm complicity in your couple.

  • Ascendant in Aquarius - This year, Jupiter will position himself in your natal sign. Thus, far from inclining you to excesses, this planet will help you to stock up on optimism. In work, you'll express all the creativity that's within you. In your couple life, you'll put much merriness, fancy, and warmth.

  • Ascendant in Pisces - New horizons for you! In love, if your couple was shaken last year, you'll have frank, sometimes a little heated, discussions with your mate. This will allow a new start on different and better bases. In the professional domain, you can finally tackle large-scale projects.


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