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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Master Rao and the press

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  • "An enlightened sage, NGUYEN Ngoc-Rao, helps you draw your chances from Chinese astrology's ancestral and venerable system of animal symbols." (Paris-Match, n° 2537, 8 January, 1998).

  • "NGUYEN Ngoc-Rao is recognized as an absolute authority in Chinese astrology. His works as well as his numerous books written in French, English and Vietnamese have established him as the best renowned Chinese astrologer in Europe." (Chance Plus Horoscope, special issue n° 5, December, 1997).

  • "NGUYEN Ngoc-Rao ranks among the undisputed specialists of Chinese and Asian culture. His books are written in a clear and concrete manner, and provide readers with some wisdom. (...) It is no longer necessary to sing the praises of his books — they do their advertising by themselves." (Var-Matin, 3 January, 1998).

  • "Specialized in Chinese esotericism, Master NGUYEN Ngoc-Rao has helped thousands of people know themselves, solve their various problems, and (re)discover the joy of living." (Destins, n° 14, February, 1997).

  • "The one I believe and hence share with you comes from my esteemed friend and guru, a brilliant Vietnamese astrologer named NGUYEN Ngoc-Rao. He taught me that Chinese astrology, in one form or another, was widely used all over the Orient from the fortieth century BC. It became especially popular between 2953 and 2838 BC under the Emperor Fu Hsi and again under Shen Nung who as born in the twenty-eighth century BC. (...)
    "NGUYEN Ngoc-Rao knows a great deal about Chinese history and is an author and practicing astrologer. So, in so far as I can grasp them with my clumsy Western mind, I trust his facts..." (Suzanne White, The New Chinese Astrology, p. XX, St. Martin's Press ed., New York).

    flčche  Check out Books by Master RAO

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