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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Western Horoscope for the Year 2025

Western Horoscope

for the Year 2025

The influence of your ascendant

  • Ascendant in Aries - Your life is made of much seriousness and quite much work. Each of your victories is dearly acquired. But this too great desire for perfection may prove boring to others. "A man of character doesn't have a good character" (Jules Renard). So, think of mingling some fancy with your rigor. Then people will find you irresistible!

  • Ascendant in Taurus - Concern yourself more with your family despite your innumerable occupations elsewhere. For it's in your home that you'll find the rest and peace to which you aspire, and also the courage which you need.

  • Ascendant in Gemini - If you've the possibility to make a small trip abroad, for your business or for your pleasure, don't miss it above all. Your trip must reserve you very good surprises.

  • Ascendant in Cancer - Your affective relationships will come to the fore of your preoccupations. You'll have the chance to enjoy great freedom of action. The one who loves you won't make scenes of jealousy, even though you may flirt under his/her very nose!

  • Ascendant in Leo - You'll show yourself more solid, more responsible. Obstinate and courageous, you'll overcome all obstacles. Your sustained action will allow you to achieve the objectives that you set for yourself.

  • Ascendant in Virgo - Certainly one cannot reproach you for lacking initiative in your work. You'll take excellent decisions, and you'll brilliantly manage your affairs. You'll even succeed in achieving a most ambitious project.

  • Ascendant in Libra - You'll enjoy stunning dynamism. Active and very well organized, you'll fulfill your responsibilities with redoubtable efficacy. However, beware of some unexpected events which will come and disturb your activity. Adapt yourself gracefully. If you refuse to modify your programs according to circumstances, the situation may get out of your control rapidly.

  • Ascendant in Scorpio - Difficult digestion, heaviness, flatulence: such will often be your cross to bear. You can minimize these ills by avoiding very fatty meats, cabbages, gaseous drinks, and above all by eating slowly and masticating carefully.

  • Ascendant in Sagittarius - Refrain from figuring out catastrophes and from entertaining morose ideas: they would spoil your best moments and undermine your morale. "The worst is not always certain" (Spanish proverb).

  • Ascendant in Capricorn - Financially, you won't satisfy yourself with traditional investments, which are without risk but are little lucrative. You'll have greater ambitions and will be well decided to develop your material situation. Your audacious initiatives will bear their fruits after a very short period.

  • Ascendant in Aquarius - Religious sects will have certain appeal to you thanks to their style of community life which is apparently harmonious and fraternal. But know that in actuality, the guru most often exercises real dictatorship over the members of the sect, and life in the community is hell of which one can get out only with difficulty.

  • Ascendant in Pisces - Profound changes will begin to occur and influence both your daily life and your personality. Don't block yourself, accept these transformations which will prove very beneficial.


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