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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Western Horoscope for the Year 2025

Western Horoscope

for the Year 2025

The influence of your ascendant

  • Ascendant in Aries - Under the influence of Saturn (frustrations, blocks) in an unfavorable position, this year won't be very easy to live. However, the problems that you'll have to cope with will not be without solutions. If you keep up your morale and decide to react instead of giving in to discouragement, you'll rapidly overcome the difficulties.

  • Ascendant in Taurus - Even though your life by no means resembles a long, tranquil river this year, you'll succeed in controlling the situations well and avoiding bad mistakes. In work, you can even obtain an increase of responsibilities thanks to your sustained efforts. In love, try to strengthen the ties of complicity with your mate.

  • Ascendant in Gemini - No, unconcern and lightness won't be present this year! Often you'll be led to take difficult decisions, whether in your personal or professional life. However, if you squarely face your responsibilities and bank thoroughly on strictness and the sense of effort, you'll emerge victorious and even stronger from all those ordeals!

  • Ascendant in Cancer - Subjected to the opposing influences of Jupiter (success, well-being) and Saturn (frustrations, blocks), you'll be torn between contradictory tendencies. But you can very well get out of this situation, notably on the professional plane, if you set forth precise objectives. Heartwise, bank on dialog with your mate.

  • Ascendant in Leo - Avoid easiness and cultivate the taste for effort. Such should be your priorities this year. In your work, you can then strengthen your position and even obtain a promotion. In love, don't let incomprehension invade your couple life. And if you've to reproach your mate for something, express yourself clearly and calmly.

  • Ascendant in Virgo - You'll be enterprising and well decided to overcome the obstacles which will stand in your way. The influence of Mars will prove stimulating and you won't run the risk of giving in to discouragement. You'll see that your efforts will be rewarded.

  • Ascendant in Libra - More than ever try your best to strengthen the complicity that binds you with your mate. Indeed only he (she) can help you get through difficult moments and overcome your doubts. Your partner can also afford you precious help if you've to cope with professional problems. He (she) will stimulate you and incite you to act.

  • Ascendant in Scorpio - Stop the gloom! Even though you're sometimes inclined to be down in the dumps, don't give in to the blues. Actually, thanks to the beneficial influence of Jupiter (success, well-being), you'll find enough motives to react to the difficulties. Finally you'll succeed in solving your problems.

  • Ascendant in Sagittarius - Until mid-June, beware of professional and sentimental instability! Drawn in a whirl of contradictory planetary influences, you may be inclined to act rashly and make bad decisions. But from the end of June onwards you'll be more realistic, more clear-headed, and you'll better succeed in controlling the situation.

  • Ascendant in Capricorn - Under the influence of Saturn (frustrations, anxiety) in a position of conflict with your sign, you could be inclined to withdraw into yourself. That would be the last thing to do! On the contrary, seek aid from those who love you and continue to lead an active social life. It's in this way that you'll get out of the tunnel.

  • Ascendant in Aquarius - Until the end of May, you'll devote your energy to achieving your professional ambitions, and you prove to be as efficient as outstanding. From June onwards, on the contrary, you could feel a little demotivated, but you should stay steadfast! In love, don't ask your mate for the impossible. Accept his (her) small weaknesses.

  • Ascendant in Pisces - The first eight months of the year will be very constructive. In your work, you can take bold initiatives, and this daring will turn out to be worth it. In love also, you'll direct your destiny. During the last four months of the year, however, you'll be tempted again to let fate decide in your place. It'll be necessary to react and refuse all passiveness.


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