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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

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Horse  Man  with  Goat  Woman

  • At first glance a Horse man and a Goat woman do not seem to be made for each other at all. Yet experience has proved that for this couple the chances of success are great. The keynote of this union is probably the partners' complementarity and ability to surmount their glaring differences.

  • The Horse man's self-confidence, enthusiasm, and worldly clever-ness hold great attraction for the Goat whose heart he can capture most naturally. She will respond exquisitely to his romantic attitude, his affectionate gestures, and particularly his air of tender protectiveness - she always needs to live under someone's protective wing. The Horse man finds this woman's psychological complexity intriguing and will want to get involved with her more and more closely in order to explore such a mysterious jungle. For some time her continual feminine moods and whims will make him cherish her all the more; but there will come the time when he will feel baffled and somewhat irritated. In any case, their coexistence will give them an insurance against monotony and boredom.

  • Friction is bound to occur here, but it will not reach disas-trous limits. While it is hard for the Horse to surrender his personal freedom, it will be equally hard for the Goat woman to give him enough rope, for she is one of the most jealous and possessive natures on earth. Since his interests are often outside the home and the circle of his immediate family, his frequent absences will give rise to her numerous emotional scenes. Financial crises are likely to take place frequently as these two are keen on spending - for instance, they love to entertain sumptuously - and do not care much about saving.

  • Their sex life can largely compensate for many of their problems. As they are equally capable of erotic expression and sensual feeling of a very high quality, the physical side of their love will be deeply gratifying for both of them. Romance will eternally be the core of their relationship, which can make their intimacies wonderfully fulfilling.


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