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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

male female

Horse  Man  with  Rabbit (Cat)  Woman

  • A Horse man and a Cat woman can start their relationship under favorable auspices. Their cohesion will be strong, each completing the other fairly well, and their will to conquer their differences sufficiently solid and lasting.

  • Quiet and submissive, the Cat woman will readily let her Horse take all major decisions concerning their life together. She will be a perfect housewife, performing day in and day out her ordinary round of domestic duties with admirable conscientiousness and even enthusiasm. It may happen that she will have to spend many lonely evenings while the Horse is out chasing his dreams. Always wanting to command, feel important, and pose as the protector and provider, he will view her seemingly dependent and resigned attitude as her greatest compliment to him and, chivalrous as he is, will do everything in his power to make her life cozy and sheltered. His self-confidence, outspokenness, and liveliness will gradually allay her pessimism and anxieties, thereby helping her live more intensely and joyfully. If they can find a noble cause to subscribe to jointly, then their mutual understanding will take on an even deeper dimension.

  • Their first clash may be over money. This man is too hotheaded, too impulsive to think twice before disbursing while pursuing his innumerable grandiose projects. To prevent possible ruin, they had better have separate bank accounts, even though the Cat woman may feel uneasy about this at first.

  • Another problem concerns the Horse man's strong jealous streak. He needs constant reassurances of love in order to feel secure. But the Cat abhors jealousy, and verbal expressions of undying love do not come easily to her. They will have to work out a compromise on this issue from the earliest days of their partnership lest irreparable damage should be done.

  • The physical aspect of love between these two will present some difficulties due to their different temperaments. The Cat woman is distinctly inhibited when it comes to sex whereas the Horse is keen on displaying his machismo. It will certainly take them a lot of determination and mutual tolerance to get attuned. It is unlikely that they will fail to solve this vital problem.

  • One could say that this is a happy union.


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