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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

male female

Snake  Man  with  Rooster  Woman

  • On meeting the Snake for the first time, the Rooster woman could immediately convince herself that this should be the right man for her. He seemed to her endowed with all the qualities of a prince charming - gentle, refined, and romantic. On the other hand, down-to-earth and shy as she was, she could appeal to him as a challenge to his ability to turn a humble Cinderella into a dazzling princess. And so their union took off - under good auspices.

  • As far apart as they may seem to be at first glance, the partners can reach good mutual understanding owing to three factors: his chivalry, her forgiveness, and Love's magic touch. Their initial attraction for each other will never fade away despite the many ups and downs inherent in this as in any other relationship.

  • There exist many areas of potential tension between them. For instance, the Snake man will like to lead a swinging social life whereas a conservative woman such as the Rooster will prefer to stay home as much as possible. She should keep a very loose rein on him lest he should feel claustrophobic.

  • Their troubles can also stem from his irresponsible attitude toward money. He is simply unwilling to count and worry about such matters, thus deepening her visceral fear of financial insecurity. It is certain he will resent any attempt by her to change him in this respect, and she will have to quietly take appropriate measures to assure the couple's material future.

  • The Rooster woman will very acutely feel the spear of the Snake's fickleness as she is as jealous and possessive as the next woman. But out of her admiration for him in other areas she will try to rationalize his need to hover around, knowing perfectly well in addition that there is nothing efficacious she can do about it. She will forgive his infidelities as a price she should pay for having such a charming man.

  • Their physical intimacy will be a wonderful revelation to this conventional, undersexed woman. His lovemaking is likely to confuse her at first because it is so romantically involved; but she will soon learn to enjoy it immensely. While explosive passion may be missing, a warm and highly satisfactory blending can be theirs owing to the Snake man's exceptional expertise and sexual stamina.


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