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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

The Character of your Sun Sign

The Character

of your Sun Sign


  • In the relationships that people have with you, one almost always has to deal with a discreet, rather introverted individual who needs to feel understood. Daring, panache, easiness and passionate sentimentality are not your strong points. On the contrary, application, attention, discernment, and social sense can be your assets.

  • You've great sharpness of judgment and acute critical sense. You value lucidity and reason as cardinal virtues. You need to remain in contact with the concrete, fearing above all not to be up to your task.

  • This sun sign is generally considered as one of the best privileged ones. Those with this sun sign seem to have been born to enjoy existence rather than to bear it as most mortals do since their chance in life is extremely good. They have this extraordinary faculty to always manage to get through.

  • Thus your existence is as a rule easy, agreeable, at least as far as material needs are concerned. Hedonistic by nature and having aristocratic blood in your veins, you like comfort and luxury to which you set no limits. Without an easy material life, you may lose all your means and be unable to profit by your brilliant intellectual qualities. A little too much centered on your own well-being, you often display enormous egoism. It pleases you to stay above the crowd and have a life tempo which's different from that of others.

  • You need time to live and to act. Patience is your well-known character trait: just as an ant, you proceed meticulously, without haste, with the insect's perfect precision, so as to attain remarkable efficaciousness. With you, nothing is ever left to chance. You've an answer to everything, at all time and in every place.

  • Precise, methodical, and well-organized at the same time, you gracefully submit to the rules of the game that nature imposes on you. You know how to make use of your intelligence and your resourceful mind at the service of your career, sometimes at the service of others.

  • You've a taste for reading, curiosity of mind and collect knowledge in the most varied domains. Whence a kaleidoscopic culture which is generally superficial but which has its effects. You can say quotations easily, being served by remarkable memory. One can find in you a mixture of skepticism — which makes you derisive and caustic — and receptiveness to the irrational, even to superstition.

  • Revolt is not part of your nature. Fate is accepted by you, whence patience, philosophy, and certain wisdom. But on the interior plane, you suffer from numerous inhibitions and certain difficulty letting yourself go.

  • You're gifted for charming and for creating ties. You reveal yourself to be apt at transmitting what you receive and at smoothing things over.

  • Everyday life near you is not quite easy since you're often finicky. The unforeseen disturbs you. However, under exceptional circumstances, your efficacy is incomparable. And when you deal with a situation, one can entirely trust you. Beyond your self-centeredness you're sometimes capable of extreme devotion.


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