The Character
of your Sun Sign
You are first of all a profoundly sensitive and emotional individual in whom everything echoes and leaves a deep mark. This great sensitiveness accounts for your reservations and your touchiness. During all your life, you try to avoid or defuse situations of tension or of conflict. You flee quarrels and disputes as you do bubonic plague. You'd readily accept to lose face or money rather than to displease others.
In feeling vulnerable, you constantly mobilize your energies in taking precautions. For if you allowed yourself to indulge in sensitiveness, one could make short work of you! If you feel the need to protect yourself by not embarking on any adventure, you deem that you only make use of perfectly legitimate prudence.
You cannot but react in a very emotional manner to your environment. Your sentiments, your feelings will always play an important role in your life. But it's up to you to canalize them, for instance to express them only at the right moment. In such conditions, the permanence of your emotions can be your force; but it can also, most evidently, be a handicap for you.
Profoundly attached to childhood, you have more difficulty than any other individual accepting to cut the apron strings and to emerge into the world of adults. Your subconscious is wholly related to prime infancy. Your regret of an ever-lost past gives way to an intense imaginative life through which you try to find faraway sensations and emotions again, or to construct a world which would resemble lost paradise.
You're incapable of maliciousness. Praised or maligned, caressed or beaten, your reaction is always this smile that some people could sometimes find stupid. Never hurting even a fly, it's impossible for you to believe that there may exist unscrupulous persons who could do you harm as they find in you an almost willing victim.
You abhor lies, duplicity, and value your reputation of integrity and sincerity as you do the apple of your eye. Your tolerance is legendary. But you should beware of your excessive naiveté and credulity. Indeed, you're very much inclined to take for gospel truth all that people tell you, thereby exposing yourself to numerous troubles and disappointments.