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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

The Character of your Sun Sign

The Character

of your Sun Sign


  • Your tendency to reckon with time is very much marked and you're almost always out of phase in relation with the present moment. You assimilate things slowly and always react in depth.

  • In your life you've one if not many ideals which appeal to you and which you try patiently to achieve without ever losing heart and with ever renewed confidence.

  • If some kind of shyness renders you little talkative, little expansive, the lucidity of your judgments can amaze. You appreciate what's stable, positive, durable, and verifiable. You're patient, far-sighted, extremely thoughtful. You know how to keep your calm under all circumstances.

  • You've the sense of responsibilities; if life does not invest you with them, you create or invent them. To be responsible is to be at the same time necessary, even indispensable and therefore less likely to be rejected.

  • However, you've a somewhat too pessimistic vision of the world and particularly of human nature. If your judgment is lucid, you may lack comprehension, tolerance, and generosity. It would be well that you've a lighter feeling of life and reserve a greater part for fancy and the joy of living.

  • In addition to your tendency to withdraw into yourself and to pessimism, you're noted for your ready and sharp criticism, great difficulty having confidence in others, and a clear-cut propensity to nurturing stubborn rancors.

  • To bear this sun sign means to feel frustrated. Whatever you're given, whatever one does for you, you'll always "get withdrawal symptoms". You're in dire need of attention, tenderness, gentleness. Thus there exists a phenomenal affective avidity in you and you'll have to learn to acquire some kind of detachment, of serenity to which you actually aspire and which should not become resignation or regret.

  • You're believed to be a social climber and in some way you actually are. You've understood very early that when you possess some power on others, these have less power on you. And you don't hate running the show in your circle. Undoubtedly politics attracts you for this reason.

  • Ambition can play a very important role in the formation of your character and be a means of evolution. Little sensitive to flattery, you really aspire to an elevation to which you're ready to devote your most sustained efforts. Your ambition is never impatient. A well canalized activity will allow you to efficaciously fight your fears, your complexes, your feeling of frustration, and to manage your own destiny as well as that of others.


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