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The twelve Animal Signs for Women

The twelve Animal Signs

for Women

Horse woman

Her psychological makeup

  • The general belief that women are weak-willed could not find confirmation in the Horse female. This is an individual of unusually strong personality and character, who knows exactly what she wants and does not allow anything to discourage her from pursuing her objectives. Once she has made up her mind, she carries through with as much energy and dedication as could be wished. Her greatest gift in life comes from trusting herself, which enables her to look forward to the future with unshakable confidence and enthusiasm. She is quite prepared to meet life frontally, unflinchingly, never bothering to blame her difficulties or failures on others or circumstances. Capable of great brilliance and daring, she has the courage of her ideas, dreams with force, and firmly believes in what she does or projects. Her convictions are usually so total and strong that it is rarely difficult for her to convert other people to her viewpoint.

  • This subject is endowed with outstanding intellectual qualities. Her reactions are rapid and accurate, which allows her to handle with great ease most difficult situations that have arisen unexpectedly. One can always rely on her resilience and presence of mind.

  • Having a lucid, unbiased intellect, she thinks quickly and, aided by her sharp intuition, can find the right solution to problems which would require much more time of other people.

  • Her avidity to know seems insatiable. She is interested in everything imaginable, reads voraciously, and large opportunities are sought out which may enable her to grasp the meaning of the entire universe. An eternal student, she finds it hard to understand those who are not keen on seeking to expand their knowledge. Her wide views and open-mindedness are indeed high on the list of her strengths.

  • Exactly like her brother of the sign, the Horse woman is uncompromising in her love of freedom. To her, a lack of freedom is synonymous with death; it is why she always insists on going her own way and views with a jealous eye anything that may directly or indirectly impair her liberty of choice. As a consequence, she is uniformly unorthodox in her beliefs, detests convention and snobbery above everything else, deliberately chooses her friends from every walk of life, and takes pride in her ability to change her ideas or way of life at a moment's notice. She makes it a point of honor to combat conformism and bourgeois-inspired behavior. And she is never afraid to pose as a diehard iconoclast in her tastes and manners.

  • Few people would be imbued with as much optimism as this woman. Dejection and despondency are practically unknown to her; so is cynicism. She is always confident that things will straighten themselves out in the end, however adverse present circumstances may be. Later in life she will certainly lose part of her high hope, but will still retain her tendency to look on the brighter side of life and preserve her high spirits, motivation, and impetuosity.

  • Although excessively emotional more often than is warranted, the native proves guileless for the most part. She is forthright, frank, open-hearted, direct, and likes so much to tell the truth that she simply ignores tact and diplomacy. Her honesty and integrity are above any kind of reproach - she would never stoops to do anything devious or duplicitous. On the other hand, she never lacks the courage to speak out her mind or act in accordance with her own convictions.

  • The Horse female undoubtedly ranks among the most sociable creatures on earth. She has the amazing ability to make friends everywhere and with a minimum of time. People are attracted to her by her aboveboard and straightforward manner. She sincerely enjoys crowds and likes having fun with others. Her conversation is often witty, gay, and amusing. She loves giving parties and entertains with such expertise that her guests, including the most difficult ones, can always have a good time. No wonder why she almost never suffers from solitude and moodiness.

  • Her main secret in keeping friends is her irreproachable loyalty. She will remain absolutely faithful and dependable once she has formed friendly relations with somebody. One can never see her turn down a friend in real need. It is here that she does honor to her own sex by proving that women are perfectly capable of true friendship.

  • In contrast to her prominent qualities, the native does have some notorious drawbacks, which however make her all the more human. Her worst defect is indisputably her exacerbated egoism. She only lives for herself and serves her own interests. It would be useless to try to win her over to any humanitarian cause, for in general she is completely insensitive and indifferent to the world's ills.

  • She rarely allows herself to be moved by other people's suffering or concerned about their problems. If she honors her friends, it is precisely because she has chosen them in all freedom; but her relations with members of her own family, who have been imposed on her by Nature, are often less than lukewarm, and her kins had better not count on her loyalty and support of any kind. This explains why the Horse woman, along with her male counterpart, is not well considered in Asian societies, where family devotion is viewed as a prime virtue.

  • Perhaps only the Dragon woman can equal this character in self-pride and touchiness. The Horse-born female has the solid reputation of being an arguer and quibbler. She always wants to have the last word to say in everything and insists on being right at all costs. When she can foresee the possibility of winning a discussion, she will not resist her tendency to speak in a presumptuous and peremptory manner; but when she finds herself in a weak position, then she will refuse to argue by keeping contemptuously silent. There is every likelihood that she will carry this comportment far into old age, although time will certainly help her acquire some philosophy, indulgence, and fair play.

  • While there is nothing she can care less about than the susceptibilities of others, she feels easily hurt by the smallest slight, be it intentional or unintentional. Rejection makes her suffer more acutely than anything else, and she usually reacts to it by either pouting, or flying into a thunderous temper, or growing particularly tough and aggressive. Because she lacks a good sense of humor, it is hard for her to play it cool when she becomes the target of some affront. She would react with exceptional violence if someone were to doubt her ability or honesty. In the same vein, she does not feel well at ease in this man-run world. Overconscious of her abilities but unable to deal with life in a realistic way, this ardent feminist contemplates nothing less than the total destruction of our present patriarchal society. She is not afraid in her crusade to commit excesses or absurdities. She means not only to make her dignity upheld and her independence respected, but also to humiliate men in general as a matter of revenge - for vindictiveness is well one of her traits of character.

  • Despite her uncommon courage and motivation, the Horse woman sometimes lacks strength of purpose. A project may be dropped offhand simply because she has let herself be charmed away by a bigger challenge. What she can see through quickly, she can do quite well; but she finds difficulty in persisting in anything for long. She also tends to spread herself too thin instead of applying herself steadily to a single endeavor at a time. Every now and then she becomes a prey to profound discouragement and weariness of life, probably because of her fluctuant humor.

  • In this subject a lack of perception is evident, bordering on clumsiness. She is totally ignorant of the art of persuasion beside the force of her convictions. Although warm and outgoing, it is hard for her to communicate her thoughts or express the emotions that permeate her so thoroughly - she is always in want of a certain adroitness in words and gestures. And when it comes to analyzing and understanding human nature, she usually does not fare better than an average adolescent.


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