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The twelve Animal Signs for Women

The twelve Animal Signs

for Women

Rabbit (Cat) woman

Her psychological makeup

  • The Cat woman has about the same qualities and drawbacks as her male counterpart. Nevertheless there exists one very significant difference between them: While he is essentially a diehard egoist, she has the ability to forget herself and work for the welfare of others. She senses that she can dominate her anxieties only through devotion and find happiness only in self-sacrifice. But her tendency to remain centered on her own needs is as strong as her altruistic propensity, and she will have a hard time struggling against the capital of egoism which is shared by all members of the Cat family.

  • Despite her apparent tranquility and surface sweetness, the Cat woman is a chronic worrier. She looks at life with scared eyes. Anything can frighten her. She fears frustrations, disillusionments, separations, the death of loved ones, and so on. She is anxious about almost everything concerning her own person - her health, her career, her relationships, her sentimental future. Even though she may enjoy great wealth, she never feels totally secure financially. It is not rare to see her show subtle but unmistakable signs of panic as if she foresaw a catastrophe which would shatter her existence.

  • Perhaps one of the causes of her worrying habit lies in her tendency to brood extensively. Her need for privacy and solitude is stronger than that of most people. As a consequence she is subject to frequent spells of introversion; her pessimism is well known to all around her.

  • Another cause may be her maudlin nature. Not only is she always too deeply affected by any misfortune happening to her or her loved ones, she also suffers vicariously from all the tragedies, real or imaginary, of the world. Oversentimental, gushing, having a definite predilection for slush, she loves crying her eyes out at every opportunity and without much reason. While her pathetic appearance constitutes the supreme element of her charm for people she meets, her penchant for overdoing her mushy reactions may in the long run tire and offend those who share her life or are in close relations with her.

  • As can be guessed, This woman lacks moral fortitude to a marked degree. She can hardly bear pain or adversity without depression or despondency. Her every calamity can produce in her heart and soul a convulsion of unjustified proportions. She will never be prepared to brave the inevitable trials and tribulations inherent to life - unless she makes a resolute effort to learn and practice stoicism.

  • The native is totally uninterested in the struggle for women's rights and prerogatives; all the feminist claims leave her quite indifferent. She is simply, perhaps smugly, satisfied with her present condition and does not see any need to change it. She sincerely believes it absurd to think of rivaling with men. It is surely not among people like her that the Women's Liberation Movement could recruit efficient militants!

  • One of the vices of the Cat-born female is her irritating pedantry. She is very fond of displaying her erudition and tackling grave subjects without hesitation even in the most informal conversations. Her tone is often peremptory. Her knowledge and thinking, however, generally fall short of her pretensions, and she sometimes lays herself open to ridicule without knowing it.

  • It may appear from the preceding that This woman is nothing but a bundle of weaknesses. In fact, the positive side of her personality is at least as important as her negative side. First of all, she possesses a rare quality that distinguishes her from other women: She is capable of drawing a clear line between love and friendship. The age-old allegation that true friendship is accessible only to men does not find its confirmation here. The Cat woman is unquestionably among the women of whom Madeleine de Scudéry said, "There is in friendship a perfection of which very few women are capable."

  • Just like the male half of the sign, the Cat woman is a person with numerous contradictions; her vices and virtues are closely intertwined. Apart from her pedantry, for instance, her general manner is no less than delightful. She is shy, modest, quiet, unobtrusive, courteous, and punctual. She is keen on showing thoughtful consideration for others. Her friends can always count on her for help and advice - whatever the circumstances, she never lets them down. Not seldom does one recognize the eager matchmaker in her as this is one of her ways to carry out her desire to see everybody happy.

  • Despite her eminent feminity, this subject is more cerebral than emotional and makes more use of reason than intuition. Her intellectual capacities can match those of any man and really do honor to the fair sex. Even her moral attitude is intellectually based. She is gifted with an alert and logical mind. Her perceptions and sense of discrimination are outstandingly acute, and it is always to one's advantage to take counsel with her. She has the ability to see events and situations in the proper perspective and balance - when she is not personally involved in a way or another. Any problem, however complex it may be, can be analyzed by her down to the last nuance. No wonder why she sometimes hits upon apparently inspired ideas.

  • Unfortunately, her cold logic and clear thinking constitute an obstacle to her understanding of the human heart. She is reluctant to make allowances for other people's weaknesses and irrational behavior: Her power of detachment tends to make her a severe, though shrewd, judge of human nature.

  • She also has a deep sense of responsibility and dependability. When she takes a matter in her own hands, one can totally trust her: She will mobilize all her available resources to fulfill her obligation, often to the detriment of her own comfort and health.

  • One of the things the Cat woman would need to do for her happiness would be to make her intellectual perspicacity to bear upon her heart, for it is from her heart - not from outside circumstances - that most of her problems originate.


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