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The twelve Animal Signs for Women

The twelve Animal Signs

for Women

Tiger woman

Her psychological makeup

  • Some people ironically - but perhaps aptly - call the Tiger female "a phallic woman." Indeed she appears more masculine than feminine, having relatively few of the traits normally imputed to her own sex and sharing many characteristics commonly attributed to members of the stronger sex.

  • The most notorious component of her personality is her extreme, uncompromising independence. In no case does she lean on someone with a view to getting through life or attaining success. She only trusts her own forces. She scorns the old feminine dream of security and categorically refuses to shield herself behind a man or patriarchal institutions.

  • Tough, courageous, active, passionate, aggressive, she means to shape her destiny with her own hands - to be the architect of her happiness - come hell or high water, and in defiance of "bourgeois" biases, lack of understanding and mockery. Never afraid to fight for what she wants in life, this woman always insists on having the last word when it comes to pursuing the objectives she has set for herself. She will stand up vigorously to anyone who may attempt to thwart her in her undertakings - be it her father, her husband, her boss, or even the Pope. Gifted with exceptional strength of character, she works very hard, never doing anything half-heartedly or indulging in wishful thinking, and despises all those who are lazy or unambitious. Naturally, the door to success is more often open to her than to subjects born with less vaulting desires.

  • The Tiger woman firmly believes herself to be perfectly equal to men in all respects - although in her rare weaker moments she may have private doubts about her feminity. Nothing infuriates her more than male chauvinism. An ardent feminist to her fingertips, she is not in the least domestic and fiercely struggles for her rights, whether within the Women's Liberation Movement or all by herself. This militant is unafraid of ridicule or excesses, and shrinks back from no danger or sacrifice. Her dedication forces the respect of many, including some who subscribe to the most misogynous views.

  • A hundred percent nonconformist, This woman sets herself up as a revolutionary constantly at odds with the established order and all "reactionary" minds. Wherever she is, she can find someone or something to fight. On the other hand, with her underdeveloped sense of humor, she tends to take everything too seriously, attacking with all her claws even when no one is criticizing her or attempting to stand in her way. And, like Don Quixote, she will never be at peace with herself until she has knocked down all the windmills in sight.

  • Her brilliant victories on various fronts, however, have their prices which she has to pay. Her excessive impetuosity and aggressiveness make her commit regrettable errors at times, especially in the field of human relations, and prevent her from being an agreeable and easily approachable person. Her obsession with success and great sense of adventure induce her to view existence as a business or, more exactly, a battle, not as an enjoyable party, thus missing many of the pleasures life has to offer. Harboring hostility toward the opposite sex as a whole, she often has difficulty in getting along with men, whether in her own family or in society - and this will inevitably result in frustration and further tension. If she is capable of accepting a piece of advice, she should learn to be less ambitious, more easygoing, and to develop her sense of humor. She should also convince herself that what is important is not life itself, but the full enjoyment of life. Finally, since nobody can ever expect to win all the time, it is in her interest to learn to accept failure with good grace and resignation, considering it an integral part of the game of living.

  • Few women would be endowed with more and finer moral qualities than the native of the Tiger sign. Her loyalty is equal to anything; under no circumstances does she betray those to whom she has given her word. Her straightforwardness and sincerity are beyond reproach. Despising hypocrisy with all her might, she behaves with honesty, rectitude and strictness, refusing to deceive or cheat even if this would be at the cost of her health or comfort; if someone ever throws doubt on her integrity, she may react with extreme violence and hold murderous feelings against him.

  • Perhaps no other woman is more eager to learn than this one. She has an insatiable curiosity, an immense thirst for knowledge, and profits from all occasions to deepen and broaden her education. Her sharp mind and faithful memory are a great help to this eternal student. She is able to understand almost anything and has no difficulty in tackling any subject of discussion.

  • The negative side of her character could not go unnoticed. Pride is certainly her worst weakness. It incites her to unmistakable histrionics. While there is no doubt she is generous and sometimes altruistic, these traits are generally expressed in a theatrical manner - it is here that she resembles her Dragon sister. She has a taste for impressive gestures, refusing to avenge herself and going so far as to praise and help her enemies - not because she wants to follow the Gospel's commandments, but because it is all-important to her to appear heroic.

  • A lack of tolerance is another of her less desirable characteristics. It is exceedingly hard for her to make allowances for the weaknesses of others, and she is not diplomatic enough to hold her tongue or soften the edge of her biting remarks. And yet, she is herself well known for her sensitivity to hurt as well as to compliments and even praise!


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