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Question # 14 : What is the significance of the hour you were born?

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Question — What is the significance of the hour you were born, like I'm a Rabbit, but the hour I was born was ruled by the Monkey. Should the Monkey be used to determine personality traits, horoscopes, etc. ? (Debra ).

Answer — The Chinese hour of birth does have an influence on the personality makeup and the development of events. For instance, a Monkey born at the hour of the Ox differs somewhat from a Monkey born at the hour of the Snake and is expected to react somewhat differently from the latter.

However, the influence of the hour of birth is less important, less far-reaching than that of the Element of the year of birth (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water).

I'm considering adding texts on the influence of the hour of birth, but this will take some time.

There are twelve Chinese astrological hours in a day as follows, each hour consisting of 120 minutes:

23:01 through 01:00 = hour of the Rat
01:01 through 03:00 = hour of the Ox
03:01 through 05:00 = hour of the Tiger
05:01 through 07:00 = hour of the Rabbit
07:01 through 09:00 = hour of the Dragon
09:01 through 11:00 = hour of the Snake
11:01 through 13:00 = hour of the Horse
13:01 through 15:00 = hour of the Goat
15:01 through 17:00 = hour of the Monkey
17:01 through 19:00 = hour of the Rooster
19:01 through 21:00 = hour of the Dog
21:01 through 23:00 = hour of the Pig


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