Love Horoscope 2021
Your Sign: Aquarius
July 2021
First two weeks : You'll try to put your affective life in some kind of order. You'll hesitate between questioning the validity of your present sentimental relation and a desire not to disrupt your habits and interior comfort brutally. Thereafter, little by little, your love affairs will become rather tumultuous for you'll often act on the spur of the moment. It's certain that conjugal understanding will be affected and that heated discussions will render it extremely shaky. Be careful not to go beyond the stage of simple dispute to reach separation. And, above all, don't let anybody mingle with your disagreements.
Last two weeks : It will be the moment to take things well in hand and to consolidate your love relationships. Go ahead, and don't be afraid of being demanding. You'll know very well how to express your sentiments to the one you love. It will be fantastic even though sometimes the sky darkens because there'll be brawls in the air: "The pleasure of disputes is to make peace" (A. de Musset).