Love Horoscope 2025
Your Sign: Taurus
February 2025
First two weeks : If you've since a long time entertained amorous intentions on a man (woman), the conditions are now ripe for a decisive and happy turn of the situation. Well supported by Venus, you'll no longer be timorous, you'll have the courage to declare your love in a moving and convincing manner. Or else you will no longer have to wait for the tender avowal. Best wishes!
Last two weeks : If you want to be happy in love during this period and in the future, there'll be an error not to commit: to place your mate on a pedestal. Indeed, sooner or later, you'll be compelled to face reality and then you'll be very much disappointed. Therefore fight this tendency to idealization. On the contrary, if your accept your mate as he/she actually is, you'll strengthen the ties that unite you two.