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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Astrologie chinoise authentique

Original title: Astrologie chinoise authentique
(Authentic Chinese Astrology)

Les Éditions Du Dauphin
43 rue de la Tombe Issoire
75014 Paris, France
Tel: (33) 143 277 900
Fax: (33) 143 277 631

  • "The new book by Master NGUYEN Ngoc-Rao answers the expectations of all those who are interested in Chinese astrology. Indeed, books in the French language on Chinese astrology as a whole — and not only on the twelve signs of the zodiac — can be counted on the fingers of a single hand. The book by Thien Duc YOUR CHINESE HOROSCOPE (Solar Ed.) is solid and serious, but incomplete and having an off-putting presentation. The work by F. Villée THE GENUINE CHINESE ASTROLOGY (Éditions Traditionnelles Ed.), written after the teachings of Master Vo Van Em, contains grave errors and innumerable inaccuracies. "AUTHENTIC CHINESE ASTROLOGY gives a teaching which is complete, solid and in strict conformity with the official line, that is, with the learned, written tradition.

  • "One cannot but welcome the author's effort to present the matter in the most comprehensible way possible for the Western mind, all the while attributing no occult or esoteric characteristic to Chinese astrology and discarding the astrological jargon as far as possible. The reading of the book is therefore accessible to all, even to those who beforehand have no knowledge whatsoever of chinese astrology in particular and of Chinese culture in general.

  • "With its clear, detailed and well-structured text, this book is really UNIQUE. We recommend it heartily to beginners as well as to advanced readers." (Review by LINDA HOANG, for the Golden Dragon team).

  • "A book destined for all those who wish to learn Chinese astrology of the purest tradition, the one that is taught and practiced in Asian communities throughout the world. Its aim is to give a teaching which is complete, solid, and above all in strict conformity with the official line, that is, with the learned, written tradition." (Review by VOUS ET VOTRE AVENIR magazine, N° 192, september 1999).

    Master Rao's books (in French) can be ordered from the following sites:

  • Fnac
  • Amazon

  • Other books by Master RAO (2) : click here


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