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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Chinese Love Horoscope  2018



First trimester
Your conjugal horizon will really clear up. You'll strengthen your ties of complicity and confidence with your spouse or mate. If you're single, you'll be much more sociable and this will already be a very good thing! You'll go out often, you'll accept invitations, and you'll make very promising encounters. It's also possible a simple friendship takes on a more intimate turn.

Second trimester
Dao Hoa, the planet of love, allows to announce you a favorable period concerning your love affairs. It's all the more so as this planet will form happy configurations with the planets presently positioned in the zone of encounters. If you live as a couple, it's very fine weather in view. If you're single, you won't certainly remain so much longer. Open your eyes, the person whom you're waiting for won't be far away.

Third trimester
Love will be a domain of your life in which the tensions of this period will not be felt. Even the change of position of the star Tu Vi won't prove negative on the amorous plane. It will rather be the contrary! If you live in couple, your relation will recover all its meaning and its depth. Single folks, be ready for a particularly favorable period. The master of chance will enter the marriage sector: This promises you the best to come!

Fourth trimester
Some of you might probably have suffered lately from loneliness or lack of understanding. But this time things will suddenly ease off. You'll experience true and solid love. In all cases, if you're already bound, the understanding with your mate will be strengthened in a spectacular way. And if you're still a lonely heart, you'll very likely make an unexpected but decisive encounter which will transform your life for your greatest happiness.


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