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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Chinese Love Horoscope  2018



First trimester
Excellent omen for your love life! If you're a lonely heart, you should not remain so a long time. From now until the moment when you succumb to the charm of an old liaison or meet love while shopping there'll be only one step which the present planetary combination could help you to take. If you're living in couple, you'll go through a very euphoric period with perhaps some candlelit dinners, romantic jaunts, or even a great travel which quite resembles a new honeymoon.

Second trimester
The star Tu Vi in harmonic aspect will favor your love affairs. Married natives will live a warm period which could give them the desire to enlarge their family or to embark with their mates on a thrilling project. Couples in difficulty will find an excellent opportunity to be reconciled and to make a new start. Lonely people will be interested only in encounters with serious prospects and all hopes are allowed them. With the star Tu Vi, it will be the question of long-term commitment and not an affair of a few nights!

Third trimester
This planetary climate will be more favorable to peaceful love relationships than to bubbling love at first sight. Therefore, if you're married, it's probable that your couple life will continue in some kind of routine where questions related to the household material aspect will be predominating. Single people can make an encounter, but it's useless to give you high hopes: Great love will probably not be for this time yet!

Fourth trimester
Because of the influence of the star Thai Phu in unfavorable aspect, habits and routine in your couple life will seem utterly unbearable to you. As for the star Thai Duong, he will hardly incline you to indulgence toward your spouse or mate, and the desire for a radical change in your life will increasingly become compulsory. Patience! Don't act on the spur of the moment! Single folks, you'll have chances to make an outstanding encounter this time. However, don't get carried away too swiftly!


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