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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Chinese Love Horoscope  2025



First trimester
With the star Moc Duc in your sign, your love affairs will be delicious. You'll experience moments of intense passion, but with the risk of being yourself more demanding than usual. Your mate would be well advised to be up to the task by making use of much imagination and panache. If you accept your beloved one as he (she) is, your understanding with him (her) will be perfect. In the contrary case, tensions are possible. If you're on the lookout for the soul mate, you'll have excellent chances to meet it these days.

Second trimester
This astral environment might somewhat complicate your life. This will be the case with couples whose mutual understanding has left to be desired for some time. Your mate won't want any longer to make concessions; he (she) may even drive you into a corner. The star Thien Rieu, on his side, will prove rather unfavorable to certain single natives. Indeed, under his influence, you may suddenly become incredibly demanding. Wanting to meet a half-god or a top model is certainly not the best way to get out of loneliness!

Third trimester
On account of this aspect of the planet Hong Loan, there exist two solutions for couples. If you're living a strong and harmonious relation, the planet will help you to deepen your complicity and even to pursue common projects. If your couple is shaky, then this period may be rather delicate; for some of you, a breaking off seems possible. Single natives may also be affected by these influences: indeed, an important encounter is in the offing for most of them.

Fourth trimester
Some tensions are possible in your sentimental life. This aspect of the star Van Xuong may render your mate nervous or aggressive. And since you won't be inclined to let yourself be pushed around, a conflict may rapidly arise. As for lonely natives, this period may be marked with a troubling encounter. But beware not to develop a passion for someone who's indifferent to you.


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