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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Chinese Love Horoscope  2025



First trimester
Not a single star will have a direct influence on the love sector of your chart, and this implies that your sentimental life won't go through any great change. If you live in couple, happiness will be there, a simple but authentic happiness, to be lived day after day. If you're single, the arrival of the star Phong Cao in your sign will be the starting point of a period favorable to amorous encounters. Perhaps will you this time meet someone who'll make your heart thump.

Second trimester
The affective life will be favored from the very beginning of this period. But very rapidly, with the arrival of the star Dai Hao in your love sector, the ambience may cool off, and then misunderstandings and various complications may arise. This is an astral aspect of excessive dreaming, of a tendency to illusion and of disappointments. It will also be favorable to infidelity, deceitfulness and, above all, jealousy.

Third trimester
For a good number of you, a clear improvement is in view heartwise. The astral movements promise you a bright spell, whether you're married or single. For couples, the climate will become more peaceful and easier to live. As for singles, instead of being too demanding and perfectionist in love, they'll again know how to take it easy; this more spontaneous attitude will increase their chances of encounters right away.

Fourth trimester
Under the influence of the star Luu Nien, you'll have the desire to go out, amuse yourself and to diversify your pleasures. Woe betide your mate if he (she) stays homebound and appears unable to maintain a merry and festive climate in your life! You'll seek some memorable quarrels with him (her)! You might also decide to punish him (her) by refusing to show him (her) tenderness! On the contrary, single people will profit by their freedom well and will transform themselves into real ladykillers (mankillers).


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