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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Chinese Love Horoscope  2025



First trimester
Starting from the very beginning of the period, the stars will give you ideas of genius and enhance your sensuality. They will bring about happy encounters. They'll put on your way the man (woman) whom you've often been dreaming of. You'll do everything to seduce him (her) and the game will prove worthy of your efforts. This passion will be complete since it will satisfy your physical, emotional, and intellectual needs. In the last month of the period, your romantic soul will be inclined to some excesses which, however, will be of no consequence this time. Whatever you'll say or do will be appreciated. You'll be irresistible and will evolve in an agreeable and light amorous context.

Second trimester
An easy period heartwise. Lonely natives will feel much more at ease than lately and will have the right to a more satisfying sentimental life. As for couples, the sky will be cleared and the once shaken complicity will be strengthened. Those of you who've divorced would do better not to plunge headlong into a new relation simply out of fear of loneliness; on the contrary, it'll be in their interest to be careful so as not to commit the same errors again.

Third trimester
This astral environment is extremely favorable to love at first sight. Love may befall you like a powerful avalanche. Whether you're lonely or already engaged in a union, you'll have chances to taste the savors of a new idyll. Nevertheless, be circumspect: if such delicious thrills could harm you in a way or another, then resign yourself to renouncing them!

Fourth trimester
During this period numerous planets will have an impact on your love affairs. This means that everything is possible: peaceful and happy days for most of you; loneliness for those who set up too high standards; a breaking off for those who refuse to make concessions; and also a capital encounter for some natives - one of such encounters that happen only once or twice during a lifetime!


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