Love Horoscope 2025
Dragon June 2025
First two weeks
The star Quoc An in this aspect is going to have a very beneficial impact on your love life. If you're married, your relationships with your spouse will go through a phase full of tenderness and sensuality. If you're single, this period could very well hold a very good surprise in store for you. Indeed, the star Quoc An will heighten your seduction power and favor love at first sight.
Last two weeks
On one side, the star Cu Mon may instill a rather morose climate into your sentimental life. On the other hand, the planet Hong Loan promises you good moments heartwise. If you're lonely, you'll most probably offer yourself an emotional outburst by the middle of this period. If you're married, two alternatives. Whether it will be routine, without great enthusiasm but also without major disputes either. Or for some of you there's a shattering rupture in the air which will be followed by... a new encounter!