the PIG : Chinese Horoscope 2019 - What your element has to add
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Grand Chinese Horoscope Year of the Wood Snake 2019

the PIG

Predictions for
the PIG

What your element has to add

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of the universal calendar.
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Wood Pig - New horizons for you! In love, if your couple was shaken last year, you'll have frank, sometimes a little heated, discussions with your mate. This will allow a new start on different bases. In the professional domain, you can finally tackle large-scale projects.

Fire Pig - If last year was one of passion, the present year will rather be placed under the sign of reason. And this because of the Tham Lang, who'll be in conflict with your personality sector. However, if this planet sometimes dampens your enthusiasms, he will also compel you to bank on the long term, in your work as well as in your private life. And this won't do you any harm!

Earth Pig - Harmony and well-being will be present in your affective life. Moreover, thanks to the alliance between the stars Tu Vi (success) and Tham Lang (sense of the long term), you'll have in hand all the trump cards to develop and then consolidate your professional position. Above all, from September through December, you'll be in a position to achieve brilliant feats.

Metal Pig - Everything will move in your life and you cannot but rejoice at that. Indeed, you'll succeed in putting an end to situations that you began to find very cumbersome. Thus you'll be numerous to turn a new page of your love lives. In the professional domain, you'll innovate, and this will make you successful.

Water Pig - Far from wanting to live day after day, you'll dream of long-lasting time, of stability, in all domains. Heartwise, you'll do everything possible to construct a stable sentimental happiness. In your job, you'll work on constructing on solid bases. But this won't prevent you from taking initiatives.

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