Grand Chinese Horoscope Year of the Wood Snake 2019
Predictions for the PIG |
General situation
Chinese trimesters do not coincide with trimesters of the universal calendar. Click here
The Pig will practically meet with no trouble this year. He/she'll charm numerous members of the opposite sex, and can experience many love adventures. Moreover, his/her levelheadedness and wisdom will bring him/her the admiration and esteem of all.
However, he/she should beware of his/her tendency to adultery and unfaithfulness. He/she will like to be fickle, but things will not always end up turning out all right as if by magic. By dint of relying on his/her luck in flitting about ceaselessly, he/she would run the risk of finding himself/herself in complicated or ambiguous situations which might prove embarrassing or disturb his/her interior peace. "It's by putting too much into the bag that one breaks it" (Cervantes).
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