the MONKEY : Chinese Horoscope 2019 - What your element has to add
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Grand Chinese Horoscope Year of the Wood Snake 2019


Predictions for

What your element has to add

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Wood Monkey - More willing than last year to submit to certain constraints, you'll entertain positive relationships with your close circle. In work, you'll be more flexible, more diplomatic, and your relations with your colleagues will be warmer. In love, you'll accept to take your mate's advice into account. Also, you'll put a grain of fancy in your couple life.

Fire Monkey - Strongly influenced by the star Tu Vi, you'll need to see your merits be recognized at their right value. Thus, in your work, you'll become heavily involved, and your efforts should lead to a fine promotion. Heartwise, you'll install a passionate climate in your couple. Clashes and vibrant reconciliations will alternate at a high speed.

Earth Monkey - Under the influence of the star Tham Lang (frustrations, blocks) in an unfavorable position, this year won't be very easy to live. However, the problems that you'll have to cope with will not be without solutions. If you keep up your morale and decide to react instead of giving in to discouragement, you'll rapidly overcome the difficulties.

Metal Monkey - Even though your life by no means resembles a long, tranquil river this year, you'll succeed in controlling the situations well and avoiding bad mistakes. In work, you can even obtain an increase of responsibilities thanks to your sustained efforts. In love, try to strengthen the ties of complicity with your mate.

Water Monkey - No, unconcern and lightness won't be present this year! Often you'll be led to take difficult decisions, whether in your personal or professional life. However, if you squarely face your responsibilities and bank thoroughly on strictness and the sense of effort, you'll emerge victorious and even stronger from all those ordeals!

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