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 the GOAT : Chinese Horoscope 2019 - What your element has to add
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Grand Chinese Horoscope Year of the Wood Snake 2019

the GOAT

Predictions for
the GOAT

What your element has to add

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of the universal calendar.
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Wood Goat - By the end of April, the star Tu Vi will abandon you! Deprived of his support, you must make more efforts in order to reach your professional goals. But in spite of all, by dint of tenacity, you'll achieve your objectives. As for your love life, undoubtedly less passionate, it will gain in serenity.

Fire Goat - Your great force this year? You'll succeed in finding a good dosage between inconsiderate risks and excessive prudence. That's what will permit you to achieve a superb professional ascension. This will also be a favorable period for those who wish to install their own business. In love, you'll know how to give your mate brilliant proofs of affection.

Earth Goat - No, easiness won't be present this year! But the difficulties that you'll meet will toughen you up. They'll allow you to see life under a different angle. You'll discover true values again. Thus, in love, you can give your couple a new lease of life. In work, you'll strengthen your position.

Metal Goat - Your temperament as a winner will express itself with all its force. And woe betide those who'll try to resist you! In your work, this sharpened competitive mind will cause you to get fine successes. In love, don't overdo things and don't try at all costs to impose your will on your mate.

Water Goat - You'll be seized by an unquenchable thirst for activities. Nevertheless, avoid to spread yourself too thin. On the professional plane, think of consolidating your achievements before heading for new conquests. In love, you'll have the art to dazzle your mate and to offer him (her) a brilliant life. But you also will titillate his (her) jealousy very much. Beware, don't go too far!

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