Grand Chinese Horoscope Year of the Wood Snake 2019
Predictions for the GOAT |
General situation
Chinese trimesters do not coincide with trimesters of the universal calendar. Click here
A rather mediocre year will lie in wait for the Goat. But the native can find the joy of living if he/she continues to devote himself/herself relentlessly to improving the fate of mankind, for it's by being useful to others that one can find happiness. Anyway, he/she will have an interest in getting out of himself/herself and to subscribe to a cause instead of remaining bored to death in a corner.
The rehabilitation of woman might be for him/her one of the most beautiful causes to serve, for woman, a full-fledged human being, has been always and everywhere despised, exploited, relegated to the rank of slave and considered as responsible for all the misfortunes of mankind! It would be thrilling to fight so as to give back to woman her dignity and to impede people from saying any longer as Tertulian did: "Woman is the door of Hell."
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