the HORSE : Chinese Horoscope 2019 - What your element has to add
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Grand Chinese Horoscope Year of the Wood Snake 2019


Predictions for

What your element has to add

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of the universal calendar.
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Wood Horse - Enterprising and at the same time sufficiently prudent so as not to take excessive risks, you'll cleverly manage your affairs. This is what will allow you to beat about obstacles and to reach important professional objectives this year.

Fire Horse - What a fine year! It will indeed bear the mark of the star Tu Vi. As a result, in your work you'll know how to exploit the opportunities that will present themselves to you and you'll rapidly climb up the grades of the hierarchy.

Earth Horse - This year you'll have the possibility to achieve great things. However, in order to succeed, you should canalize your energy and beware of the trap of unfocused mind. In love also, be wary of inappropriate outbursts! If you're happily married, don't take the risk of jeopardizing everything by indulging in short-lived love affairs.

Metal Horse - Confidence will be there, and this will permit you to move mountains! On the professional plane, you'll be in a position to achieve some of your highest ambitions. In love, you'll succeed in making passion and faithfulness coexist. And if you're single, you'll have great chances to meet the ideal partner, quite simply!

Water Horse - You'll feel the need of harmony around you and it's why you'll be prepared to control your overbearing tendencies. Heartwise, this intelligent attitude will allow you to soften down the tensions that sometimes reign in your couple and to live privileged moments with your mate. In your work, you'll take time to get around the obstacles.

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