Grand Chinese Horoscope Year of the Wood Snake 2019
Predictions for the DRAGON |
Chinese trimesters do not coincide with trimesters of the universal calendar. Click here
First trimester - At the beginning of this period, the astral influences seem rather ambiguous as far as couple life is concerned. One could say generally that they will be more favorable to young people and to couples in the making than to older couples. These will be infested with mutual disagreements over money or social status questions. From the second month on, owing to the superb influxes, you'll have very strong seduction power and will have no problems making conquests. But you'll probably be too prone to privileging the sexual side of your relationships, which may offend some of your mates who will feel that they're taken for objects of pleasure. If you succeed in correcting this penchant, then you can expect very pleasurable moments and experience divine surprises.