Grand Chinese Horoscope Year of the Wood Snake 2019
Predictions for the TIGER |
What your element has to add
Chinese trimesters do not coincide with trimesters of the universal calendar. Click here
Wood Tiger - Until the end of April, your love life may prove to be complicated. On the contrary, from May onwards, you'll need to feel at ease and you'll be prepared to make some efforts at reinstalling a more serene climate in your couple. In work, you'll make good progress but on condition to sharpen your competitive mind.
Fire Tiger - You cannot allow yourself to count on your good star. But if you accept to draw on your reserves of courage, then everything will go well. In work, you can even begin an irresistible ascension. In love, don't treat your mate with so much casualness. Respect him (her), have confidence in him (her), and then nice complicity will settle in between you two.
Earth Tiger - With the star Tu Vi (success, need of social recognition) well positioned in your chart, it's the most ambitious aspect of your personality that will be highlighted. In your work, you'll quickly climb up the grades of the hierarchy. Heartwise, you'll prove that it's perfectly possible to join faithfulness and sensual pleasure together. Your mate won't complain about it!
Metal Tiger - Well inspired by the star Tham Lang (discipline), you'll know how to impose yourself necessary efforts so as to obtain what you desire. This attitude will allow you to consolidate your professional position. In love, on the contrary, there'll be ups and downs. But if you want to preserve the love that binds you with your mate, you can succeed in it.
Water Tiger - Be strict, disciplined, and then you can overcome all difficulties. In work, you should obtain the green light to achieve your great creation projects. In love, you'll play at spoiled children, but you'll be so tender with your mate that he (she) will melt!
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