Grand Chinese Horoscope Year of the Wood Snake 2011
Predictions for the RAT |
What your element has to add
Chinese trimesters do not coincide with trimesters of the universal calendar. Click here
Wood Rat - After a rather rough year, you'll recover your taste for moderation... and your good common sense. As a result, stability will be present again. In your professional life, you can even begin a superb advancement thanks to bold but well targeted initiatives. In love, the climate will be one of confidence.
Fire Rat - Brilliant year in prospect! Finally liberated from the negative influence of the star Tham Lang (frustrations, blocks), you'll recover all your dynamism. Until May, however, avoid rash initiatives, especially in the professional domain. In your love life, it's also during this year that you'll find stability.
Earth Rat - For you, this year will be placed under the joint influence of the stars Tu Vi (success, well-being) and Tham Lang (seriousness, sense of effort). A positive alliance that will allow you to give solid bases to your career as well as your private life. In work, you'll gain responsibilities. In love, you'll strengthen the ties that unite you with your mate.
Metal Rat - Consolidation! This will be the key word of your year. On the professional plane, you'll succeed in managing the successes made last year and even in rounding a new cape. In your couple life, you'll play the stability card. If your heart is free, an encounter should take place by the middle of the year and lead to a durable relation.
Water Rat - Good news! It's in your natal sign that star Tu Vi will position himself most of this year. More confident in yourself than last year, you'll aim at high professional objectives, and your daring will be paying. In love, after the unstable climate that has lately reigned in your life, you'll savor serene happiness.
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