How to solve your
money problems
Prevention is the best medicine!
"The best way to solve one's problems is not to create them". Paradoxical as it seems, this old Chinese proverb firmly insists on the fact that we're often the cause of our own misfortunes. Besides, it's the equivalent of the French proverb "it's better to prevent than to cure". Profit by the lessons that these two proverbs give.
If you're really honest with yourself, you certainly have to recognize that your pecuniary problems, or at least some of them, are caused by your actions. Have your eyes ever been bigger than your belly? Haven't you given into some unreasonable needs? Haven't you taken your desires for realities? In any case, if you want to improve your situation, you must immediately try to stop the financial hemorrhage, that is, to avoid all expense which is not rigorously indispensable.