How to solve your
money problems
Getting out of a critical financial situation or judged as such is a process that requires a lot of lucidity, willpower and method.
One should never despair. "So long as a man has not his head cut off, nothing is definitely lost for him" (Vietnamese proverb). Life has so many surprises, bad as well as good, that it would be imprudent to resort to an act of irrevocable despair, like suicide for example. A happy breakthrough might happen the next day or two days later for you – who knows? - and it would be a pity if you had already left life!
We also have to admit that there exist in life problems without a solution. Death is one of such problems; but it's not because we all will die that we must stop living right now. It's possible that your money problems are insoluble; but it's not a reason why you should not try to do everything in your power so as to find a way out. In all cases, some kind of resignation will be beneficial for "resignation alleviates all the evils which cannot be remedied" (Horatius).
If you finally reach an appropriate material level thanks to a favorable combination of circumstances, you still should not lessen your vigilance. Otherwise you'll find yourself once more on your back with the risk of never being able to get up again.
And, don't forget to consider your astral situation concerning your financial matters.