How to solve your
money problems
Ordinary problems
Nevertheless, whatever the gravity of your money problems may be, it would be absurd to make a big issue out of it. Consider them rather as obstacles, which are surely serious and crippling, but not as a drama or, even worse, as a disaster.
Indeed, would you suppose that you're the only person in the world to have such problems? Would you know anybody who doesn't suffer from money worries? Don't imagine that your neighbor or your boss, who earn three or even ten times as much as you do, have no financial concerns at all. If you have some difficulties paying your modest rent this month, your neighbor might be having nightmares because he has to manage to pay the newest convertible car that he recently bought on credit, and your boss might have to juggle painstakingly with his enormous budget so as to pay off the loans that he contracted before to build his luxurious second house on the French Riviera. Out of you three, it's your boss who is the most likely to have cold sweats!
Concerning money, you have to admit that all of us are in the same boat — commoners have their problems as commoners, and noblemen have their problems as noblemen. Everybody needs to have more money. So, don't go into a panic, don't be distressed — you're in good company! In other words, your money problems are in fact very banal, very common — they have nothing exceptional, and consequently nothing really dramatic or really discouraging.