How to solve your
money problems
A relaxed attitude
No one likes edgy, tense, aggressive people who go around telling their bad luck everywhere. Don't count on other people's help if you make a show of martyr complex. On the contrary, you have more chance attracting the sympathy of others if you keep your problems to yourself, if you show enthusiasm and optimism. So, adopt a relaxed attitude under all circumstances by trying hard to dominate your fears and to take your money problems lightly. Try to behave as if your pecuniary problems were only secondary problems, or as if you're sure that you'll manage to settle them sooner or later.
Also, plan your life strictly according to your present financial situation, without in any way taking into account the money that you'd like to have but that you don't yet have. In other words, live in total independence from the money you envisage or wish for, instead of rubbing along in wait for its hypothetical arrival. You must be realistic — don't subordinate all your projects and all your activities to this arrival; don't spend your time dreaming about it. Tell yourself that, when this money will fall down on your head, you'll have all your time to reorient and reorganize your life.