How to solve your
money problems
Your Chinese Sign: Monkey
Your relationships with money are very curious — you could, from one day to the next, pass from an extremely easy life to an extremely poor one. It's because you consider money rather as a toy — if you're capable of winning a lot, you can also put yourself in the situation of losing a lot, simply out of your taste for game!
But, in spite of your allegations, financial constraints do give you cold sweats under certain circumstances. To remedy it, and to have more chance to live in serenity, there exists no other means for you than to be more reasonable. Administer your budget with rigor, save a little, and avoid opening your purse too easily for the sake of your friendly relations or even for altruistic reasons. Beware of exaggerated indifference. Sheer luck doesn't favor you, but your resourcefulness can be of great help to you in critical situations.