How to solve your
money problems
Your Chinese Sign: Rooster
You like possessing and you know how to go about it. It would be useless to advise you to be reasonable in managing your budget. Sometimes you can feel tremendous urges for spending like many other people, but you're lucid and voluntary enough to resist mortal temptations. Bravo!
However, your attachment to material possessions has something visceral, which often leaves you unsatisfied with what you already have. Whatever the amount in your bank account, you torture yourself to have more. Oh, if you could be like Confucius, who said: "A bowl of rice with water and one's elbow for pillow, that's a state of satisfaction!"
You're enthusiastic, hard-working. So, it's not poverty that awaits you. But what risks compromising your happiness is your unjustified dissatisfaction. Be cooler!