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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Combined Chinese and Western signs

Combined Chinese


Western signs

9. — The personalities of the combined Sagittarius signs

  • The fact of belonging to the Sagittarius sign - a Fire and Mutable sign - endows you at the same time with powerful dynamism, limitless enthusiasm, and great capacity to perceive existing relationships.

  • If you happen to be also of the Tiger, Dragon or Horse sign, you need more than another to believe in what you do - you must be motivated in order to act. Without this motivation, you'll abandon what you've undertaken. The Sagittarius/Tiger is constantly eager to take up challenges or to tilt at windmills. The Sagittarius/Dragon delights in lifting up mountains, achieving impossible feats. As for the Sagittarius/Horse, he has a taste for risk, the desire to go beyond the limits that are imposed on him by circumstances.

  • As a Sagittarius born under the sign of the Rat, the Snake or the Monkey, you are endowed with great perspicacity. Whatever is related to the abstract, the mental, the intellectual seems familiar to you and interests you. The Sagittarius/Rat lives the present moment: he ignores the past and refuses to project in the future. The Sagittarius/Snake is often lost in his reflections. The Sagittarius/Monkey is inclined to the future: he's often ahead of his time and victim of other people's incomprehension.

  • Combined with the Ox, Rabbit or Dog sign, the Sagittarius sign is more inclined to sedentariness and shows great realism. He does not fly off, and he knows where he's going. The Sagittarius/Ox builds his life on solid bases and refrain from fantasy. The Sagittarius/Rabbit is of remarkable efficaciousness when it comes to launch whatever project. The Sagittarius/Dog is almost always out of touch with the present moment as if he was convinced to have eternity for himself.

  • Being a Sagittarius all the while being a Rooster, Goat or Pig is being someone who often feels difficulty getting along with reality, for the place of dream is very large here. The Sagittarius/Rooster must constantly struggle with his unconscious, which has its roots in sexuality. The Sagittarius/Goat feels more than he thinks: he's guided by his intuition. Finally, the unconscious of the Sagittarius/Pig is all related to early childhood and can be an obstacle to maturity.


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