Combined Chinese
Western signs
8. The personalities of the combined Scorpio signs
The fact of belonging to the Scorpio sign - a Water and Fixed sign - endows you at the same time with great sensitiveness, almost infallible flair in all things, and definite inclination to action.
If you happen to be also of the Tiger, Dragon or Horse sign, you are particularly gifted for heroic action. Pettiness is totally foreign to you. The Scorpio/Tiger feels well at ease only if he has mountains to lift up, no matter if he loses in his efforts. The Scorpio/Dragon is keen on monarchic action; he must serve a great cause, engage himself in a dazzling struggle. As for the Scorpio/Horse, it will please him to take side with the weak, the underprivileged, to defend the widow and the orphan.
As a Scorpio born under the sign of the Rat, the Snake or the Monkey, you are more interested in what makes the world turn than in drawing a personal profit from it. The Scorpio/Rat, with his remarkable intellectual flexibility, privileges the sense of play. The Scorpio/Snake goes in enthusiastically for human relationships, the origins and the history of mankind. The Scorpio/Monkey sincerely believes in universal brotherhood, the disappearing of frontiers of all kinds.
Combined with the Ox, Rabbit or Dog sign, the Scorpio sign is more realistic than idealistic and more inclined to the concrete than to the abstract. He strives to sublimate his suicidal or destructive impulses by efforts at self-overcoming. The Scorpion/Ox devotes himself entirely to his beloved ones. The Scorpio/Rabbit finds his happiness in research or the pursuit of a remote objective. The Scorpio/Dog finds his salvation in a large-scale humanitarian or altruistic action.
Being a Scorpio all the while being a Rooster, Goat or Pig is also being constantly at grips with strong temptations of perversion. The Scorpio/Rooster is drawn between the murky world of sexuality and the formidable potentialities of libido. The Scorpio/Goat has difficulty getting rid of his perverse penchants, his impulses, his anguishes. Finally, the Scorpio/Pig is very much inclined to masochism and defeatism, above all if he experienced ordeals in his childhood.