Combined Chinese
Western signs
6. The personalities of the combined Virgo signs
The fact of belonging to the Virgo sign - an Earth and Mutable sign - endows you at the same time with great patience, possibilities of construction, and remarkable capacity to perceive existing relationships.
If you happen to be also of the Tiger, Dragon or Horse sign, you're an individual who knows how to organize his success and play his trump cards in order to obtain what he wants. The Virgo/Tiger sows and harvests; and if the results are not up to his expectations, he'll do his best to get satisfaction. The Virgo/Dragon sometimes has recourse to the failure neurosis so as not to see whatever unsuccess imposed on him by someone else. As for the Virgo/Horse, he's an emotive person whose frequent outbursts can sometimes debouch on spectacular achievements.
As a Virgo born under the sign of the Rat, the Snake or the Monkey, you know how to put your intelligence and mind full of resources at the service of your life, at the service of others as well. The Virgo/Rat possesses all the characteristics of intelligence, flexibility, and the sense of play. With his great finesse of mind and his capacity of understanding, the Virgo/Snake is a being eminently easy to live with. The Virgo/Monkey likes to launch huge enterprises which will change the universe of others.
Combined with the Ox, Rabbit or Dog sign, the Virgo sign is even more marked with precision and method. The Virgo/Ox leaves nothing to hazard; he treads forward only if he knows where he goes, and insists on controlling everything. The Virgo/Rabbit is never satisfied with approximation and often exhausts himself in the search for such perfection as doesn't exist in this world. The Virgo/Dog is a philanthropist in his own way: he loves mankind but feels sorry to see men tainted with so many imperfections.
Being a Virgo all the while being a Rooster, Goat or Pig is being someone who is never revolted, who can comply with the rules of game which are imposed on him by nature. The Virgo/Rooster, conformist by nature, strives to live by overcoming himself. The Virgo/Goat is an individual who is rather secret, difficult to define and understand, but by no means disquieting. Finally, the Virgo/Pig is a resigned person, who accepts the hazards of life without complaining and who in spite of all tries to profit by life as much as possible.