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The personalities of the combined Cancer signs
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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Combined Chinese and Western signs

Combined Chinese


Western signs

4. — The personalities of the combined Cancer signs

  • The fact of belonging to the Cancer sign - a Water and Cardinal sign - endows you at the same time with great sensitiveness, almost infallible flair in everything, and distinct inclination to passion.

  • If you happen to be also of the Tiger, Dragon or Horse sign, you're an individual who knows how to distinguish things by maintaining a good equilibrium between the logic of the mind and the reason of the heart. The Cancer/Tiger is very ambitious and active, but will never try to reach his objectives at the expense of others. The Cancer/Dragon delights in reigning on a court of unconditional admirers and lavishing his favors on them. As for the Cancer/Horse, he's the fire that burns under the ashes, a passionate individual who works more for the benefit of others than for his own.

  • As a Cancer born under the sign of the Rat, the Snake or the Monkey, you are at the same time sentimental and burning for the absolute. Therefore you suffer more than another from the contradictions which inhabit you. The Cancer/Rat strives to charm, to please as much as possible, but cannot help showing certain opportunism. The Cancer/Snake, often lost in his dreams, does not always know where he's about in his relations with others. The Cancer/Monkey is constantly on the go so as to do service to his fellow-men.

  • Combined with the Ox, Rabbit or Dog sign, the Cancer sign is more inclined to sentimental construction and cordial understanding. Nothing displeases him more than misunderstandings and conflicts. The Cancer/Ox tries to impose himself gently: his policy is one of an iron hand in a velvet glove. The Cancer/Rabbit has recourse to reasoning in order to convince and persuade. The Cancer/Dog tends to do the good of others, but against their wills and sometimes in spite of all common sense.

  • Being a Cancer all the while being a Rooster, Goat or Pig is being someone who appreciates sentiments more than he does material goods. The Cancer/Rooster would give away everything so as to be accepted and loved by others but does not always succeed in his efforts. The Cancer/Goat is very sensitive to friendship, affective relationships, and very badly bears an atmosphere of tension. Finally, the Cancer/Pig would prefer suffering an evil to doing it - and he knows how to suffer in silence and with resignation.


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