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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Combined Chinese and Western signs

Combined Chinese


Western signs

3. — The personalities of the combined Gemini signs

  • The fact of belonging to the Gemini sign - an Air and Mutable sign - endows you at the same time with sharp intelligence, great open-mindedness, and remarkable capacity to perceive existing relationships.

  • If you happen to be also of the Tiger, Dragon or Horse sign, you marvelously unite intelligence with enthusiasm, motivation, and willpower. All the doors of success are open to you. It's faith that sustains the Gemini/Tiger; but his unyielding character predisposes him to drastic solutions. The Gemini/Dragon tries at any price to preserve his faith in action, otherwise he would die. As for the Gemini/Horse, he is also enthusiastic and desirous of success, but at the same time can temporize, wait for his turn and reckon with life's hazards.

  • As a Gemini born under the sign of the Rat, the Snake or the Monkey, you enjoy an intelligence which is well above the average and which helps you grasp right away all the whys and wherefores of any problem that presents itself. The Gemini/Rat possesses remarkable perspicacity, acute psychological sense close to mediumship. Thanks to his flashes, the Gemini/Snake often achieves little and great miracles. The Gemini/Monkey is probably the most inventive subject of all the Zodiac.

  • Combined with the Ox, Rabbit or Dog sign, the Gemini sign shows more ponderation, patience, and strategy. The Gemini/Ox judiciously targets his activities; he doesn't scatter his energy. The Gemini/Rabbit spares no effort to succeed where others have failed and draws great satisfactions from it. The Gemini/Dog succeeds in quieting down his anguishes only if he devotes himself to a cause or an objective which clearly transcend his personal interests.

  • Being a Gemini all the while being a Rooster, Goat or Pig is being someone who charms by his mind as much as by his heart. The personality of the Gemini/Rooster fascinates and disquiets at the same time, but in an undefinable manner. The Gemini/Goat perceives things of which many others are unconscious, and anticipates his interlocutors' intentions without difficulty. Finally, the Gemini/Pig, with the childish and at the same time somewhat mystical side to his character, is irresistible to all those who come into contact with him.


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